Sustainability - the word on everyone's lips. Considered a buzzword to many a few years ago, it is now more relevant and important than ever. And with concern for our environment at a record high, this is no longer a priority for governments, activists and environmental charities only. We all have a responsibility toward creating a greener, flourishing future that is kind to animals, people and the planet.
At The Herbtender, sustainability is the most important consideration in any decision we make. Sometimes that means taking a more challenging and longer path to growth, but with the climate crisis at the forefront of our minds, we remain focused on our commitment to people and the planet.
Here's where our journey with sustainability has taken us so far...
Thoughtfully crafted by our medical herbalist, we harness the power of adaptogens that have been safely used for centuries. Our natural products are produced locally - adhering to strict policies. We responsibly source the finest plants nature has to offer and look to source locally wherever possible.
We strive to make our products not only effective but beautiful. All our packaging has been considered with sustainability in mind. From compostable, recyclable and reusable packaging, we're constantly exploring materials that minimise any environmental impact.
Our current offering includes:
- Green, refillable glass jars
- Recyclable cardboard boxes
- 100% recyclable delivery packaging
We're also proud to have recently introduced to The Herbtender our...
Refill Pouches
100% biodegradable and home compostable, designed to work perfectly with our green, refillable glass jars. Available across all our adaptogen blends.
Eco-friendly Cork Pots
Cork is incredibly sustainable. The cork oak woodlands are one of the best examples of balancing conservation and development for the benefit of people and nature.
These delicately beautiful pots are designed by Mind the Cork, a design studio based in South East London that combines playful minimalism with sustainable materials. A contemporary and stylish alternative to house your favourite The Herbtender capsules.
When you buy from The Herbtender, you are supporting rhino conservation. We donate monthly to The Council of Contributors, a 100% rhino-centric charity that channels its efforts directly to the front line.
They work with over 30 leading rhino conservation organisations, including anti-poaching rangers, specialised K9's, air patrol and air rescue, rhino orphanages, highly skilled veterinarians, scientists, and more.
Our sustainability commitment at The Herbtender will never be a tick box exercise. Our ethos will always be one of transparency, improvement and exploration across all business areas. We believe acting in harmony with nature is the only remedy to a bright, healthy, prosperous world.
As a business with its heart aligned with mother nature, we promise to act boldly, explore continually and constantly strive to improve and implement where we can.
And if you have any questions, suggestions or feedback regarding our environmental commitment, we'd love to hear from you! Feel free to leave a comment below, pop us an email ( or send us a DM at @theherbtender!
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