Are You Taking Care of Your Brain?

We’re excited to introduce Silvija, a passionate herbalist in training and a key part of The Herbtender team. With a deep love for plant medicine and a keen interest in how herbs can support our health, Silvija is here to share her knowledge and insights with our community. She’s dedicated to helping others discover the benefits of natural remedies, and her focus is on crafting blends that nourish both the body and mind. Stay tuned as she shares her expertise on one of her favourite formulas and and some of her favourite ingredients!
When it comes to brain health, we often overlook the small things we can do to nourish and support it. That’s why I’m excited to talk about our Focus & Clarity formula, crafted specifically for mental performance. Whether you're studying, preparing for exams, or tackling work deadlines, this isn’t just another energy supplement. It’s a powerful blend of nootropics designed to fuel your brain and optimise its function.
Let's start with Lion’s Mane

Lion’s Mane is well-known for promoting nerve growth and supporting cognitive function. We use a dual extraction method to get both the polysaccharides and triterpenes for maximum benefit. But it's not just about Lion's Mane. There are some other favorites in here that deserve some attention.
Rosemary for remembrance

Take Rosemary, for example. It’s a culinary favourite, but did you know it's also a potent nootropic? It’s been shown to enhance cognitive function, improve mood, reduce anxiety, and even support memory.
Then there’s Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm is a lemon scented member of the mint family, a herb that’s both calming and uplifting. It improves cognitive function and eases agitation, making it a great companion to the other herbs in this blend.
The synergy they create
What truly makes this formula stand out is the synergy between the herbs. Each plant in the formula has its own array of compounds, but when they come together, their effects multiply. This synergy creates additional therapeutic benefits that wouldn’t exist if they were used on their own.
Crafting a formula that taps into this synergy requires deep knowledge, ensuring that every ingredient works in harmony to give you the most effective results. Schia, our wonderful Medical Herbalist with over 20 years of experience, creates each and every one of our unique formulas. She masterfully weaves together the best herbs, mushrooms, and natural ingredients to create the best results.
Take care of your brain—it’s the only one you’ve got!
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